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  • solodarling1

First blog of 2023 new year!

The new year has been a positive one. weather has been abnormally warm for this time of year, which makes it a great time for me to loose that added weight from the Halloween candy to all of those tasty holiday meals until now hehe. lots of squats, kettlebells, power walking and power yoga for sure.

Things in the nursing field has been great so far. we had a surge of flu cases and a small increase in covid cases, but people seems to be coping with it quicker then anticipated and is taking the steps to not only prevent spreading, but to take the steps in order to recover in a quick manner. we even had people who was against the vaccinations changed their mindset and got boosted. some returns thanking me in person for helping them. it makes me smile when I help the best way I can and know of. 😊

As you may notice, I am now learning how to mix music! so far I have done 2 practices. between the first and second, the improvement level has been great. over 10 people has told me already that not only that I choose great tracks, but the starting music is on point, the beatmatching is unique (even though you can never be 100% perfect in beatmatching) and the sound quality is like something you would hear from a music studio. with so many emojis like this "😮" of people just now finding out about my new found hobby, music has always been a thing of mine just like photo editing.

Will I ever be a DJ to perform at in person events? to perform in games with room based events? I can't answer those questions, its more of a "work in progress" kind of thing for the time being. just like photo editing, music is considered "art" in which I want to share with others to make their moods into happy ones. positive vibes most would call it. but, if I ever decide in wanting to move to the next step with this, then I would probably start off performing in a smaller group to play my sets. but for now, please enjoy what I have shared so far and expect a lot more uploads for you to listen to thanks to people who have showed their love and support for not only me in general, but for the love of music.

Since music does take time for me to not only obtain, but to mix up, improve pitch, audio quality and etc. I am maybe aiming between 2 to 3 uploads a month. as of right now I am sticking to one genre of mixes that I put out until I am comfortable mixing other genres together. more genres in a mix would give open doors to more creativity, but single genre mixes would improve stability and is more viable commercially which is good for people who are starting out like me. 😊

There you have it. the start of the year is going by pretty positively for me and I wish the same for anyone who reads this. I will leave you all with a quote to a beginning new year. it goes a little something like this:

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write up a good story.

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